
Assignment - Filter tab



If you want to filter the value that is written to the XML Element, you can use this tab.

Valid values

If an Element can have only values from a predefined list, for example:
150, 400, 750 and 1000
You can make a list with these number. If your value is 160, it will become 150. If it is 350, it will become 400, etc. It will always be rounded to the nearest value.

Valid ranges

If an Element can only have values from one or more ranges, you can use Valid ranges. For example, if the value written in the XML document should be between 100 and 500 or between 1000 and 1250. Create these two valid ranges.
100 - 500
1000 - 1250
If the value is 50, it will become 100. If it is 110, it will stay 110. If it is 550 it will become 500. If it is 1100, it will stay 1100. Etc.