Suppose you want to route the execution of your Product based on the value of one single Element in the XML document. In that case the Switch Tool is the best one to use (although multiple Decision Tools can be used also, but they are harder to maintain and less readable).
When placing a Switch Tool, you'll get 3 nodes. First we have the Switch node itself and secondly there is 1 Case node and the Else node. By clicking your right mouse button on the Switch node you can add extra Case nodes.
The Element that you want to test.
Eventually the attributes that are part of the selection.
Alt. Path
The path where the Element resides (if not the current position).
Case node
You can have as many Case nodes as you like. It has 2 properties:
Node value.
If the value entered here matches the value of the Element, the Tools below this Case node will be executed.
The text entered here will be shown behind the Case node in the tree. This way the Switch Tool will be better readable.
Else node
There is only 1 Else node. If no Case node is hit, the Tools below the Else node will be executed.