Columns in a Table contain an Expression that makes the Column valid or invalid. Only valid Columns are able to return a Value. The first valid Column returns it's value to the calling Assignment. Every valid Column returns it's Value to the Element mentioned in the Column Header.
When filled, returns the Value of the Column if this Column's Conditions are Valid.
This check is visible in the first column (next to the index column) only. By selecting this, you'll have two index columns that work with a from to mechanism.
Disable column
Diables the column.
By double clicking the panel below Conditions, the Expression editor appears. Here you can enter the Conditions that makes the Column valid.
Write TextValue text
If you chose an Element that is coupled with a TextValue, this option appears. By checking this the Text field from the TextValue item will be written, and not the Value.
Button copy
The Copy button copies the contents of the Column Header to the clipboard.
Button paste
The Paste button pastes the contents of the clipboard to a Column Header.