



Validations are a special type of Functions. They are meant be a special place for all kinds of secondary Business Rules, like for the acceptation of a risk in a Straight Through Processing flow. They are executed automatically when coupled in Suppliers or Nodes.


Contains a description of the Validation.


When multiple Versions of this Validation are available, another Version can be selected. Which Validation will be executed at runtime depends on the Conditions at Configuration level.

New version

After clicking New version the above dialogue appears. You can select one of the Version declared at Configuration level. With the Edit button you can view or eventually modify this Version. Using Copy previous version all Tools from the previous version will be copied to the new Version. This way you want have to begin from scratch.

Delete version

Using the Delete version button you can remove an instance of a Version. You can't remove the Base Version.

Enable exception handling

When checked a node will be placed beneath the Validation called Exception handling. This will be the place where the execution will continue after an unhandled exception will occur. See Exception handling.


Functions, Validations and Tables kan be stored as a separate file on disk bij clicking the property Include. After this, the filename will be shown in the form.
The include file is stored in the same location as the source file of the Configuration. When loading the Configuration, SoftRules®  will load include files automatically. Unchecking the property Include will lead to restoring the original situation and the include file will be deleted. Using Include will make it possible to work with a team on one single Configuration.