
Local Configuration



After a doubleclick on a Configuration, the SoftRules® configuration dialogue pops up. This form contains 8 tabs:


A description of your Configuration.


Configurationfiles contain a unique ID. This ID (positieve number) is used to address the Configuration from within the server. The number can be altered afterwards, but this can have severe implications is items from the Configurations are used from other Configurations. So please think about a logical numbering before you start building Configurations.


Contains the filename (excluding the path) to the file.

Schema (XSD)

You have the following options:
No Schema
You chose not to use an XML schema
You chose the use a schema and embed it in your Local Configuration.
You chose to use an ElementTable from the Global Configuration. This is the best solution if you use multiple Configurations that use the same XML structure.

Configuration version

The version number of the Configuration. Every time the Configuration is stored, the number in the last part (build number) will be added by 1.


Although you can use Tables, Functions and Validations from any Configuration, you can select a Configuration as a Library. By doing so, all childnodes will use this Library as their Current Library for selecting Tables, Functions and Validations.


Country settings such as number and date notations are copied from the local machine when creating a new Local Configuration. This settings can be changed here. Machine settings at runtime will not be used, all translations will be done using the settings stored in the Local Configuration.
This settings apply to the date and numbersettings on which the Business Rules are made. If you want to manipulate a date in string format using the functions Day() or Month() it is important to use the correct syntax. To translate XML documents to this internal format you can use Adapters.
Deze instellingen hebben betrekking op de datum en getalsformaat waarmee de Business Rules zijn gemaakt. Als u bijvoorbeeld een datum in string formaat gaat manipuleren met de functie Day() of Month() is het van belang dat de dag en de maand op de juiste plaats in de string staan. Voor conversie van in- en output XMLdocumenten naar en van dit interne formaat kunnen Adapters worden gebruikt.
These concern the following settings:

Validate when processing

Using this all In- and Output XML documents are validated against the XML Schema. Error messages will be shown in the Debugger of SoftRules® Composer. Running your configurations in SoftRules® Server, you'll get an errormessage in the system Eventlog when validationerrors occur.
Validation is time consuming process. It might be a bad idea to have this enabled at runtime in a production environment. Better leave this check enabled in the development stage and uncheck it when releasing.

Strict Xml

Using this function SoftRules® will raise an errormessage if an Element is used that's not declared in the XML Schema. If you want to be free in using XML elements, regardless of the XML Schema, don't use Strict XML and Validate when processing.

Unfinished transactions

Select what to do with unfinished transacties at the moment the Product has finished processing.
Chose one of these options:
The changes after the last Begin transaction will be committed.
The changes after the last Begin transaction will be rollbacked.

Expire at

Suppose you want a configuration to stop functioning after a certain date,  you can select this date here.

View used Elements

By clicking this link you can see all elements that are used in your configuration.

View notepad Elements

By clicking this link you can view all notepad variables defined in your configuration. Notepad variables are prefixed by a # symbol. They are not stored in the XML document, but reside only in memory. So they can not be used outside of SoftRules®.

View Elements from schema

By clicking this link you can view all elements that are declared in this schema. So all notepad variables will not be listed.


A list containing all elements that are found in the  XSD after pressing the Load button.
This list contains the following columns:
The name of the element.
This column contains 'all paths' until clicked. After that the list filters to the selected element and this column show all the separate paths to these elements. Links to Units and TextValues are usually created for all paths, but when separated paths are shown, you can declare links for each separate element / path combination. Using the rightbutton and clicking 'Show all elements' you'll return to the view showing all elements (unfiltered).
Description of the element. This will be used in the Userinterface as a default label.
Links the element to a Unit in the Global Configuration.
Links the element to a TextValue in the Global Configuration.


This field works as a filter to the elementnames.

Load knop

Using this button you can (re)load the XML Schema (XSD). If multiple root elements are declared in your schemafile, a popup appears in which you can make a selection.


Using this tab you can declare multiple versions of your Product. See here.


This tab locates some tooling that you can use to copy links to Units and TextValues from another Configuration or Element Table. Check 'Override' if values may be overwritten.