
Add SelectItem



Questions can provide users with a list of options. In SoftRules® these are called SelectItems. By default SoftRules® will check if there is a TextValue coupled to the Assignment of the Question. If that is the case (eventually filtered) TextValueItems are coupled to the Question as SelectItems. When no TextValue is coupled to the Assignment, the Valid Values will be used as SelectItems. If there are no Valid Values, no SelectItems will be placed by default.
Using the Tool Add SelectItem it is possible to add SelectItems by hand.


The Value field is written into the Question when selected. For example if a dropdownlist is needed for fuel selection, like: Gasoline, Diesel, LPG and it should write respectively G, D or L into the Question's value. In that case 3 SelectItems should be created with Value=G and Text=Gasoline, Value=D and Text=Diesel, Value=L and Text=LPG.
The Value field accepts Formula values. Doubleclick to use the Value Editor.

Image URL

If you want the client application to display images together with the choices that people can make, you can put a URL to an image at every SelectItem.


Here you can enter the Text that belongs to the Value above. The Text field also accepts Formula values. Doubleclick to use the Value Editor.

Append SelectItem in Current question

Normally this option is checked. When unchecked you are free to chose another Question that will get this SelectItem.


By doubleclicking this pane, you'll get the Expression Editor where you can enter the Conditions that make the SelectItem visible. No Conditions means Visible.