
Configuration menu

Search (Ctrl+F)

Searches Local Configurations on Elementname or ElementID. A Search can be started from the current position or you can search all Configurations. All Tools that match the Search criterium, will be marked yellow. See here.

Create Release (Ctrl+R)

All selected files will be copied to the selected folder. The filenames can contain the following:
These files can be used to release to an OTAP environment.

Clear selected treenodes

After a Search all found nodes are colored yellow. Use this option to clear the yellow color.

Split treeview

This option can split the tree horizontally or vertically. The second tree will be read-only. The functions  Expand, Copy to Clipboard, Drag & Drop, Search en Rebuild treeview are available.

Build treeview

The treeview will be refreshed with the information from memory.

Debug (Ctrl+D)

Starts the Debugger.


Starts a consistency check for all configuration files. Especially the Userinterfaces contain relations with Assignments and can have contradictions between Visible Expressions and Required Expressions. Before the check is executed you are asked if issues may be adjusted automatically. If you chose No, all messages will appear in the Log window. A double click on a log message brings you to the issue in the tree.

View changes

See here.

View ToDo items

This option show a line in the Log for all Comments that has ToDo checked.


See here.