
File menu


New Configuration

Create a new Local Configuration file from scratch using this menu item. See here.

Load configurationFiles (Ctrl+L)

(Re)Load all configuration files into memory. This options is chosen automatically by starting the Composer. If this option is ignored at startup the New Confiuration popup appears.
If you don't want to see the popup at startup, use the registry key LoadAll.
LoadAll = 0 -> er wordt een dialoog getoond met de beschikbare configuratiebestanden.
LoadAll = 1 -> alle configuratiebestanden worden automatisch ingelezen (default)

Open solution

Solution files can be used to tell SoftRules® Composer to load a number of Configurations all in just one step. Solution files have an XML structure with an extension .srsf. See it's structure below.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Description>Beschrijving van de solution</Description>
The elementname DataDirectory is used to set the Project folder . This Project folder is stored in the Registry when the Solution file is read.
All depending configuration files are being read also. The use of wildcards is possible. Example:
There is a special key in the Registry that tells the Server which Solution file to load at startup.
Contains the name of the Solution file that should be loaded when the Server starts, example: C:\SoftRules\Solutions\MySolution.srsf

Recent solution files

Opens a dialog where you can choose from your recently loaded Solution files.

Load Configurationfiles

See here.

Load global configuration from XML (Ctrl+Shift+L)

Loads the configuration_0.xml from the Project folder (for example from %USERPROFILE%\Douments\SoftRules\Data).

Load configuration_n from XML (Ctrl+Alt+L)

Loads one or more Local Configuration files (configuration_1.xml, configuration_2.xml, etc. from a specific location.

Save all configurationfiles (Ctrl+S)

All configuration files (global and local) are being stored in the Project folder.

Save all configurationfiles to XML (Ctrl+Shift+S)

All configuration files are being stored in XML format in the Project folder.

Unload configurationfiles (Ctrl+U)

All configuration files are being released from memory.

Collapse All (Alt+C)

Collapses the tree containing the Local Configurations.

Close (Alt+F4)

Closes the program.