
Question tab



When Questions are coupled with an Assignment, the Question will receive some properties from the Assignment like the Valid Values and the Filter. When coupled, the Name and Path of the Element are fixed.
It is possible to create a Question from the Assignment screen using the Create Question link.


Using this button you can view or edit the coupled Assignment.


Using the Select button you can select an Assignment. By clicking Columns you can select the following Columns:
This list can contain the following selection of Elements:

There is an OnCreate function defined

All Elements that are used in Assignments in the coupled OnCreate function are shown.

There is no OnCreate function defined

All Products in the current Local Configuration are followed and all found Assignments will be added to the list.


Shows the Elementname of the coupled Assignment.

Dynamic element (unbound)

To use Dynamic UserInterfaces (with late binding, at runtime) select Dynamic Element and chose the Element from the list. After this you can chose a parameter from the parameter list.


Description of the Question. The client application can use this to show this to the user. Initially this will be filled with the Description of the Assignment.


Shows the Configuration where the Assignment is defined.


Shows the Product where the Assignment is defined.


Shows the Function where the Assignment is defined.


The complete (absolute) path to the Assignment in the XML document.

Alt. Path

Optionally an alternative path to the Assignment can be entered. This way instances can be entered in the path using constants. Example:
The use of Relative paths and the use of variables in a paths instance is not possible. The client application can't parse these.

Question for TextValue Text

By default a Question will expect the Value of an TextValue coupled Assignment in it's Value field. If you also need the Text value of the TextValue item, this can be returned in a second Question. This dropdown gives you the possibility to select this Question.


Shows the properties of the Question where the TextValue Text is expected.

Default value

The Value that is by default placed in the Question's Value field. You can enter a Formula here. For example (in a Date field):
Double click this field to open the Value Editor.

Suggested Value

This Formula field makes it possible to help the user filling the form. If, for example, the Value of a Question contains the current value of a product, the Suggested Value may contain the advised value.

Motivation of Suggested Value

This Formula can contain a motivation for Suggested Value. You can fill this with a text to help the user make his choice.
Use  Calculated fields for Suggested Value and Motivation of Suggested Value


The value in this field can be used by the client to show the user when he is hovering over the field.


This field can be used to give a detailed explanation to the user about this Question. This field may contain Text and or HTML.

Add TextValue Text to Value

When checked the Text of a TextValue coupled Assignment will be postfixed to the Value. If for example the TextValue item contains G - Gasoline, normally only "G" would be entered in the Value field of the Question. When checking this the Value will be: "G - Gasoline".

Ready for process

If you use UserInterfaces that are filled in a fixed order (forced to do so by the client), you can use this check to tell the client that you have gathered enough information to do a process (even when more questions are coming). You can use this (for example) to start calculating premiums and show them in a sidebar when the user completes the form (so he can see the premiums change as he continues).